Plugin system overview

The workflow of sending a request and parsing a response is driven by Guzzle’s event system, which is powered by the Symfony2 Event Dispatcher component.

Any object in Guzzle that emits events will implement the Guzzle\Common\HasEventDispatcher interface. You can add event subscribers directly to these objects using the addSubscriber() method, or you can grab the Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher object owned by the object using getEventDispatcher() and add a listener or event subscriber.

Adding event subscribers to clients

Any event subscriber or event listener attached to the EventDispatcher of a Guzzle\Http\Client or Guzzle\Service\Client object will automatically be attached to all request objects created by the client. This allows you to attach, for example, a HistoryPlugin to a client object, and from that point on, every request sent through that client will utilize the HistoryPlugin.

use Guzzle\Plugin\History\HistoryPlugin;
use Guzzle\Service\Client;

$client = new Client();

// Create a history plugin and attach it to the client
$history = new HistoryPlugin();

// Create and send a request. This request will also utilize the HistoryPlugin

// Echo out the last sent request by the client
echo $history->getLastRequest();


Create event subscribers, or plugins, to implement reusable logic that can be shared across clients. Event subscribers are also easier to test than anonymous functions.

Pre-Built plugins

Guzzle provides easy to use request plugins that add behavior to requests based on signal slot event notifications powered by the Symfony2 Event Dispatcher component.